Prostrate, perennial herb, up to 0.1 m high, up to 0.6 m in diam.; root system deep, tuberous; annual parts dying off in dry season. Leaves opposite; lamina ± cordiform, up to 20 mm in diam., pinnately compound, leaflets deeply incised, segments narrow, apex rounded, margins entire; apparently glabrous, microscopically pubescent with glandular hairs; petioles up to 60 mm long. Inflorescences of 5(-8)-flowered pseudo-umbels; peduncles short, lateral, up to 15 mm long. Petals 5, narrowly obovate, white, pale purple, rarely pink; posterior two 3-5 x 1 mm; anterior three 3-5 x 0.7-1.0 mm. Flowering time Sept.-Feb.
Perennial herb, up 0.1 m high; profusely branched. Stems procumbent, spreading glabrous, herbaceous. Leaves opposite; pinnately compound with leaflets deeply cleft into narrow segments or simple, blade ovate in outline, up to 20 mm in diameter, apices of lobes rounded, margins entire, greyish green; petioles up to 60 mm long. Flowers: peduncle with 3-5 flowers in a pseudo-umbel, peduncle 5-10 mm long; petals 5, narrowly obovate, posterior two 3-5 x 1 mm, anterior three 3-5 x 0.7-1.0 mm long, white or very pale purple or rarely pink, without markings; Oct.-Mar.
Closely resembles P. minimum but distinguished by following characters: Inflorescences appearing capitate due to presence of up to 13 flowers. Hypanthium well developed, 3-5 mm long, longer than or equal to pedicel. Petals well exceeding sepals. Flowering time Jan.?.
Prostrate perennial, with tuberous roots. Leaves silvery, simple to pinnatisect with linear segments, up to 20 mm diam. Flowers up to 8, ± 6 mm diam., white to veryale pink or purple; hypanthium very shallow and swollen.
Prostrate perennial with tuberous roots. Leaves silvery, simple to pinnatisect with linear segments, to 2 cm diam. Flowers to 8, ± 6 mm diam., white to very pale pink or purple; hypanthium very shallow and swollen.