Erect to decumbent, branched, non-aromatic subshrub, up to 0.75 m high and 0.5 m in diameter. Stems herbaceous when young, becoming woody with age, villous to hispid and with small glandular hairs in between, wine-red but becoming greyish-brown with age. Leaves hard to the touch (almost scabrous), green; lamina cordiform in outline, 3-palmatisect to pinnatisect with the segments irregularly incised, adaxially glabrescent, abaxially strigose to hispid and with small glandular hairs and sometimes long soft hairs in between, base cordate, apices of segments acute, margins coarsely serrate-dentate and wine-red, (12-)25(-45) x (15-)30(-55) mm; petiole (10-)30(-70) mm long, indumentum as on stems, wine-red; stipules triangular to cordiform, usually caudate, glabrescent but margins ciliate, ±5 x 4 mm. Inflorescence: flowering branches with normal and smaller foliar leaves; peduncles 10-35 mm long, glabrescent to sparsely hispid with small glandular hairs and sometimes long soft hairs in between; involucral bracts lanceolate to cordiform, acuminate, glabrescent to hispid but margins ciliate, 4-7 x 2-3 mm; pseudo-umbels with 3-5 flowers each. Pedicel 4-10 mm long, sparsely hispid with small glandular hairs and sometimes long soft hairs in between. Hypanthium 6-10 mm long, prominently thickened at base, indumentum as on pedicel. Sepals lanceolate, apiculate, indumentum abaxially as on pedicel, green but becoming wine-red with age, ±7 x 1.5-3 mm. Petals white to pale pink-purple; posterior two spathulate, with feather-like dark pink to wine-red markings, reflexed at ±90°, ±17 x 5 mm; anterior three narrowly spathulate with narrow claws, with a pink streak, reflexed at ±45°, ±12 x 2 mm.
Shrub to 70 cm. Leaves cordate and lobed, roughly hairy, ± 4 x 3 cm. Flowers to 5 on short, axillary peduncles, ± 18 mm diam., white to pale pinkish purple; hypanthium 6-10 mm long, ± as long as pedicel.