Geophyte, 0.1-0.5 m high; subterranean tuber oblong, often branched; stem very short, succulent. Leaves radical, simple; blade oblong-ovate, up to 160 x 110 mm, shallowly to deeply pinnately incised or lobed, base cordate, margins unevenly crenate, slightly fleshy; glandular, variably covered with long hairs; petioles thick, adaxially channelled. Stipules lanceolate, fused to bases of petioles. Inflorescence of a 0.5 m high, unbranched scape, terminating in a 5-20-flowered pseudo-umbel. Flowers with fimbriate petals and long, prominent spur, unpleasantly scented. Petals equally sized, yellow to yellowish green to brown-purple, veins red or purple. Fertile stamens 7. Flowering time Oct.-Feb.
Geophyte with large, woody tuber. Leaves pinnatifid, softly hairy, to 15 x 7 cm. Flowers to 20, 30-40 mm diam., pale yellow and variously tinged with purple, petals finely dissected; hypanthium 30-70 mm long, longer than pedicel.