Dwarf shrub, up to 0.5 m high; woody rootstock reddish brown inside. Leaves rosulate; petiolate; blade ovate in outline, base cordate, apex rounded, margins finely toothed, silvery green, densely pubescent, veins prominent on lower surface; petioles 70-250 mm long. Flower: peduncle digitately branched at apex with 2 branches each with a pseudo-umbel, 3-14 flowers in an umbel; petals 5, apices ± rounded, gradually recurving, posterior two ribbon-shaped, 12-14 x 2-3 mm, anterior lobes obovate, 10-14 x 2.0-3.5 mm, dark reddish purple, almost black; Oct.-Jan.
Tufted perennial with swollen roots. Leaves cordate with margins somewhat lobed and crenate, silvery velvety. Flowers to 14 on limp, branching peduncles, ± 15 mm diam., almost black; hypanthium 15-37 mm long, longer than pedicel.
A herb.