Leaf-lamina 1·5–5·5 × 1·5–5 cm., narrowly ovate to ovate, cordate, 3-partite to 3-foliolate, with a larger middle section or leaflet, sometimes only shallowly 3-lobed or pinnatifid to pinnatisect; segments or pinnae ± rhombic, almost unlobed to pinnatipartite, margin crenate, hairs scattered, often restricted to the margin and veins; petiole 2–7 (12) cm. long; stipules 5–8 (10) × 2–5 (7) mm., narrowly ovate to very broadly ovate, acute to apiculate, membranous.
Decumbent perennial herb; stems up to 1·3 m. long, branching, straggling, often reddish, arising from a woody basal region; internodes up to 13 cm. long; vegetative parts, peduncles and pedicels glandular and ± pubescent to almost glabrous, hairs ± patent or ± adpressed on the leaves; glands sessile.
Inflorescence a terminal pseudumbel of 1–4 (5) flowers; peduncle 5–9 (13) cm. long, leaf-opposed or in the axil of the smaller of two apparently opposite leaves; bracts 4–8, 5–8 × 1·5–3 mm., lanceolate, acute, membranous; free part of pedicel 1–3 mm. long.
Petals 4, pink with red veins; 2 posterior ones 9–20 × 3–5·5 mm. and 2 anterior ones 9–15 × 2–4 mm., all oblanceolate and unguiculate to ± spathulate; 2 posterior ones normally but not always longer than the anterior ones.
Stamens with fertile filaments 7, 5–12 (16) mm. long, sterile filaments (staminodes) 3, 2·5–5 (6·5) mm. long, all 10 connate at the base for 1–2·5 (5) mm.; anthers 2–2·5 × 1 mm.
Sepals 9–14 × 1–4 mm., narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, glandular and sparsely pubescent, with conspicuous red veins.
Ovary with basal part tomentose; rostrum pubescent; style 3–5 (8) mm. long; stigma 2–2·5 (3) mm. long.
Seeds 3·5–4 (5) × 1·5–1·7 mm., pale brown, minutely reticulate.
Fruit 3–4 cm. long; cocci 5–7 × 1·5–2 mm.
Spur (5) 7–15 (20) mm. long.