Laxly branched shrublet, up to 250 mm tall, stems pale near base. Leaves linear to narrowly obovate, nearly glabrous. Flowers shortly pedicellate, corolla tube ± funnel-shaped, pale with dark longitudinal lines, lobes purplish with darker markings in throat, anthers long-haired.
Erect, rigid, much-branched dwarf shrub or perennial herb, up to 400 mm tall, profusely leafy. Leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, apex acute or subobtuse, sub-glabrous to minutely puberulent, entire. Flowers blue to purple or mauve.
Shrublet, up to 200 mm tall. Branches covered with whitish corky layer at base. Leaves linear to linear-obovate. Flowers blue.
Laxly branched shrublet to 25 cm. Leaves linear to narrowly obovate, nearly glabrous. Flowers purplish, anthers long-hairy.