Shrub, erect, 10-15(-25) cm tall, not spinescent. Stems woody at base, sometimes only weakly so, rigid, erect, divaricately branched at base, leafy above, viscid, appressed glandular-pubescent, internodes of variable length. Leaves obovate at base of plant, upper subrotund, 6-15 x 3-8 mm, slightly fleshy, viscid, glandular; apex obtuse; base sessile to narrowed into petiole; petiole 1-2 mm long; midrib of basal leaves prominent beneath. Flowers solitary, axillary, subsessile, overtopping leaves; bracteoles half the length of calyx. Calyx lobed to base, 4-5 mm long; lobes linear to narrowly obovate, shorter than capsule, predominantly glandular-hairy outside, viscid, papillose inside, glandular hairs intermixed towards apex, apex acute. Corolla 12-20 mm long, overtopping bracteoles; narrow basal part of tube only just longer than calyx, whitish to pale purple, often with darker venation outside; lobes circular to elliptic, inside dark blue to purple with darker patch at base. Stamens 4; filaments almost equal in length; anthers equal, shortly ciliate-pubescent. Ovary narrowly ovoid, glandular hairy; style filiform, pubescent and slightly glandular at base; stigma capitellate. Capsule narrowly ovoid, apex slightly compressed, 5-8 mm long, puberulous, glandular; calyx lobes reaching about half length of capsule. Seed ellipsoid, pale tan to whitish, with white, longitudinal, laminate protruberances that have irregular margins. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year. Peak flowering: June-Sept. Peak fruiting: July-Sept.