Stamens 9–13, inserted on a short stout androgynophore; filaments free, filiform; anthers basifixed, 2-celled
Petals 5, scale-like, thicker and loosely connivent at the base, with lanceolate free limbs
Rudimentary ovary present, short, 3–5-celled, with 2 series of ovules in each cell
Flowers dioecious, racemose; racemes short, axillary; bracts small, subulate
Staminodes about 10 from the top of the gynophore in the female flower
Fruit a rounded berry; seeds small, numerous, immersed in pulp
Leaves exstipulate, alternate, simple, penni-nerved
Sepals 5, free, lanceolate, imbricate
Arborescent shrubs or climbers