Leaf blades very variable, 0.3–6 x 0.2–1.8(2) cm., the lower round, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, the upper linear to round, acute to obtuse at the apex, cuneate at the base, mostly drying yellowish green, glabrous or rarely shortly hairy; petiole up to 2 mm. long; stipules with 2–4 deltoid lobes or 1 trifid lobe, 1–4.5(7) mm. long from a base 1–3 mm. long.
A small herb. It is erect and branched. It grows 25 cm tall. It grows from a fleshy root stock. The leaves are simple and borne in pairs. The leaves are oval and taper to the base. There is no leaf stalk. The leaves are about 2.5 cm long. The flowers are in heads. They are tube shaped and small and blue.
Fruiting inflorescence spicate, up to 4 cm. long; fruits 1.5–2.5 x 1.5–2 mm., ovoid, broadest at the middle, glabrous or covered with white pubescence, 2-locular, the locules often unequal, thin-walled, not ribbed, borne on ledges on the rhachis.
Corolla bright blue, white, pale lilac or purple; tube 0.6–1.3 cm. x 1.2–2(3) mm. at the apex, glabrous or pubescent with short white hairs; throat densely hairy; lobes 2–6 x 1–2 mm., ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate.
Perennial pyrophytic herb, 3.8–24 cm. tall, from a woody rootstock; stems up to 25 from each root (about 3–5 from each apical branch of the rootstock), glabrous or bifariously hairy.
Calyx tube squarish 0.5–1(1.5) mm. long and wide, glabrous or sometimes covered with bristly white hairs; lobes unequal, the longest 1–3.5 x 0.3–0.8 mm., the rest minute.
Inflorescences capitate, 1–2.5 x 0.3–1.3 cm. or branched and spike-like, 2–3.5 cm. long; peduncle up to 7.4 cm. long.
Seeds yellow-brown, 2 x 1.5 x 0.6 mm., broadly elliptic in outline, concavo-convex, finely marked with brown.
Style exserted 2–4 mm. in long-styled flowers; stigma lobes linear, 0.5–1.5(2) mm. long.
Perennial herb with a tuft of stems 2-12 in. high from a woody rootstock
Flowering after fires.
Flowers bright blue