Stem up to 70 cm high, upper part ± hispidulo-pilose, the young parts rather densely crispate-pubescent. Leaves broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, slightly oblique, 18-25 by 9-12 cm, rounded to cuneate-attenuate at base, ± rounded or narrowed and very shortly cuspidate-acuminate at apex, margin closely crenulate, often ± bullate, glabrous above, very shortly and rather densely his-pidulo-puberulous below; nerves c. 5 pairs; petiole 2.5-4.5 cm, hispidulous. Inflorescences small, sub-globose-capitate, arising singly or in pairs from 2-3 upper axils, 1.5-2.5 cm diam., often dark brown when dry, very shortly pedunculate. Lower bracts ovate, acute, c. 10 by 5 mm, papillose-puberulous on the back. Pedicels almost none. Calyx-tube obconic, c. 5-6 by 3-4 mm, shortly crispate-puberulous. Sepals very broadly ovate-ellptic or suborbicular, 4 by 2-4 mm, slightly constricted at the base, broadly rounded at the apex, margins quite entire and slightly reflexed and hence subconvex, glabrous, or puberulous on the back towards the base. Corolla c. 4 mm long, shortly (1 mm) gamopetalous, slightly fleshy, segments deltoid, acute, erect, 2 mm broad at base, margins slightly thickened and slightly involute below the apex. Stamens not seen. Style c. 1 mm; stigma discoidally expanded. Fruit ellpsoid-obovoid, c. 10 by 5 mm.