Stature unknown; stems robust below, up to 9 mm thick, smooth, glabrous except for the sparsely crispulo-pubescent young parts, leafy. Leaves very broadly elliptic or obovate-ellptic, hardly asymmetrical, 13-19 by 7-13.5 cm, base cuneate-attenuate, rarely ± rounded, sometimes slightly unequal-sided, apex very broadly cuspidate-acuminate, margin very shortly undulate-denticulate, thinly papery in texture when dry, glabrous above, very shortly and sparsely papillose-hispidu-lous or almost glabrous below, quintuplinerved or rarely septuplinerved; petiole 3-5.5 cm, slender, glabrous. Inflorescences arising singly or two together from 4 of the upper axils, shortly or rather elongate-scorpioid, 1—3.5 cm long, 4-20-flowered, flowers elongate, arranged very regularly, parallel, recalling the inflorescence of some Combretum; peduncle 7-8 mm long, crispulo-puberulous; bracts small in proportion, ovate, 5-7 by 3-5 mm, the lowest one sometimes larger, up to 12 mm long, membranous, ciliolate, puberulous on the back; pedicels none. Flowers 1.5-2 cm long. Calyx-tube at first almost cylindric, then narrowly fusiform-lanceolate, almost rostrate, 11-13 by 1-3 mm, ± pentagonal, striate, sparsely puberulous. Sepals oblong-ovate or oblanceolate, 4-5 by 1-4 mm, rounded, membranous, puberulous on the back. Corolla campanulate, gamopetalous for more than ½ (later more deeply split), 6 mm long, 5 mm wide, sparsely or rather densely crispate-puberulous outside, segments oblong or ovate, erect, subcarinate on the back, acute or subacute and recurved at apex. Filaments 2.5 mm; anthers narrowly linear-lanceolate, 1.5 mm, acutely apiculate. Style 2 mm; stigma oblong, pentagonal, 2 mm long. Mature fruit not seen; young fruit fusiform-lanceolate, 13 by 4 mm. Seeds dark chestnut, apparently completely immersed in placental tissue.
Stature unknown; stems robust below, up to 9 mm thick, smooth, glabrous except for the sparsely crispulo-pubescent young parts, leafy. Leaves very broadly elliptic or obovate-ellptic, hardly asymmetrical, 13-19 by 7-13.5 cm, base cuneate-attenuate, rarely ± rounded, sometimes slightly unequal-sided, apex very broadly cuspidate-acuminate, margin very shortly undulate-denticulate, thinly papery in texture when dry, glabrous above, very shortly and sparsely papillose-hispidu-lous or almost glabrous below, quintuplinerved or rarely septuplinerved; petiole 3-5.5 cm, slender, glabrous. Inflorescences arising singly or two together from 4 of the upper axils, shortly or rather elongate-scorpioid, 1—3.5 cm long, 4-20-flowered, flowers elongate, arranged very regularly, parallel, recalling the inflorescence of some Combretum; peduncle 7-8 mm long, crispulo-puberulous; bracts small in proportion, ovate, 5-7 by 3-5 mm, the lowest one sometimes larger, up to 12 mm long, membranous, ciliolate, puberulous on the back; pedicels none. Flowers 1.5-2 cm long. Calyx-tube at first almost cylindric, then narrowly fusiform-lanceolate, almost rostrate, 11-13 by 1-3 mm, ± pentagonal, striate, sparsely puberulous. Sepals oblong-ovate or oblanceolate, 4-5 by 1-4 mm, rounded, membranous, puberulous on the back. Corolla campanulate, gamopetalous for more than ½ (later more deeply split), 6 mm long, 5 mm wide, sparsely or rather densely crispate-puberulous outside, segments oblong or ovate, erect, subcarinate on the back, acute or subacute and recurved at apex. Filaments 2.5 mm; anthers narrowly linear-lanceolate, 1.5 mm, acutely apiculate. Style 2 mm; stigma oblong, pentagonal, 2 mm long. Mature fruit not seen; young fruit fusiform-lanceolate, 13 by 4 mm. Seeds dark chestnut, apparently completely immersed in placental tissue.