Stature unknown, probably 60 cm or more; stems robust, up to 12 mm thick, fistular, glabrous, glossy, dark red when dry, conspicuously costate-winged from the long imbricate-decurrent petiole-bases, wings 1-2 mm wide. Leaves broadly ovate to broadly elliptic, slightly oblique, 17-22 by 8-11.5 cm, ± rounded to broadly cuneate at base, broadly acute at apex, passing into a cusp or short acute acumen, margin rather coarsely crenate-dentate, firmly papyraceous when dry, glabrous above, densely shortly hispidulo-pubescent below; nerves 3-5 pairs; petiole (free part) 1.5-2.5 cm by 3-4 mm, almost glabrous. Inflorescences arising singly from 3-4 middle or upper axils, mostly 3-flowered, erect; peduncle 3-4 mm, densely crispate-pubescent. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, up to 18 by 7 mm, much attenuate upwards, acute, crispulo-pubescent outside, glabrous and shining within; pedicels 1-2 mm. Calyx-tube elongate-fusiform or almost cylindric, 15 by 2-4 mm, striate, densely crispulo-pubescent. Sepals rather small, subspatulate-ellpsoid, 8-10 by 2-3 mm, obtuse, slightly papillose-puberulous on the back, separated by broad rounded sinuses. Corolla widely cup-shaped, 6 mm long, gamopetalous for 1/3 or ½, firmly fleshy, segments ovate-deltoid, ca 4 mm wide at base, acute at apex, margin entire narrowly pale-cartilagineous. Filaments 3½-4½ mm; anthers lanceolate, attenuate at apex, acute, 3.5 mm, linear after dehiscence. Style thick, 3 mm; stigma oblong, 3 by 1.5 mm, obscurely 5-grooved.
Stature unknown, probably 60 cm or more; stems robust, up to 12 mm thick, fistular, glabrous, glossy, dark red when dry, conspicuously costate-winged from the long imbricate-decurrent petiole-bases, wings 1-2 mm wide. Leaves broadly ovate to broadly elliptic, slightly oblique, 17-22 by 8-11.5 cm, ± rounded to broadly cuneate at base, broadly acute at apex, passing into a cusp or short acute acumen, margin rather coarsely crenate-dentate, firmly papyraceous when dry, glabrous above, densely shortly hispidulo-pubescent below; nerves 3-5 pairs; petiole (free part) 1.5-2.5 cm by 3-4 mm, almost glabrous. Inflorescences arising singly from 3-4 middle or upper axils, mostly 3-flowered, erect; peduncle 3-4 mm, densely crispate-pubescent. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, up to 18 by 7 mm, much attenuate upwards, acute, crispulo-pubescent outside, glabrous and shining within; pedicels 1-2 mm. Calyx-tube elongate-fusiform or almost cylindric, 15 by 2-4 mm, striate, densely crispulo-pubescent. Sepals rather small, subspatulate-ellpsoid, 8-10 by 2-3 mm, obtuse, slightly papillose-puberulous on the back, separated by broad rounded sinuses. Corolla widely cup-shaped, 6 mm long, gamopetalous for 1/3 or ½, firmly fleshy, segments ovate-deltoid, ca 4 mm wide at base, acute at apex, margin entire narrowly pale-cartilagineous. Filaments 3½-4½ mm; anthers lanceolate, attenuate at apex, acute, 3.5 mm, linear after dehiscence. Style thick, 3 mm; stigma oblong, 3 by 1.5 mm, obscurely 5-grooved.