Stem 15 cm by 7 mm, glabrous except for the young parts. Leaves elliptic-ovate or ovate, 9½-16 by 7-10 cm, truncate-rounded or subcordate at base, obtuse or ± rounded at apex, margin very closely and finely undulate-crenulate, rather thick, glabrous above, minutely and remotely hispidulous below, nerves densely crispulo-puberulous; nerves 3-4 pairs; petiole 4-6 cm. Inflorescences apparently arising up to 4 together from 3-4 upper axils, ca 4-flowered, apparently weak. Flowers elongate, congested at the apex of the 7½-2 cm long peduncle. Bract at middle of peduncle oblong-ellptic, 10-12 by 5 mm, shortly acuminate, bracts subtending flowers broadly ovate-ellptic or spatulate-elliptic, 15 by 9 mm or 15 by 6-7 mm or 10-11 by 3 mm, acute or rounded, papillose or glabrous on back, margin ciliolate. Flowers apparently dioecious, males only known, erect (?), 2.5 cm long. Calyx-tube elongate, cylindric, 1.6-1.9 cm by 2-3 mm, very shortly and sparsely pilose. Sepals ovate-ellptic or oblong-ellptic, 8-9 by 3-5 mm, rounded or obtuse, minutely sparsely ciliolate, membranous. Petals free, Ungulate, 8-9 by 7½-1.8 mm, obtuse, delicate or 'petaloid' in texture, ± induplicate-valvate in bud. Stamens very short: filaments 1-1½ mm; anthers oblong, slightly incurved, thick, 2 mm. No trace of ovary or style. Female flowers and fruit unknown.