Pentas pubiflora S.Moore


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae > Pentas


Herb or subshrub 0.6–1.5(–3) m. tall; stems erect or somewhat decumbent, woody below, hairy or glabrescent.. Leaf-blades ovate to lanceolate, (3–)9.5–14.5 cm. long, (1.2–)3–5 cm. wide, acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, pubescent; petiole 0–0.6(–3) cm. long; stipules with ± (5–)7–9 filiform setae 0.5–1.2 cm. long from a short base.. Inflorescences of terminal and axillary components, usually wide and corymbose, up to 12 cm. wide (smaller, 2–5.5 cm. wide, in the W. African race); peduncles ± 2–4.5 cm. long.. Flowers white, rarely tinged pale blue or pinkish, or in W. African race blue.. Calyx-tube 1.5 mm. long; lobes unequal, 1 foliaceous, ovate 2–6.5 mm. long, 0.75–2 mm. wide, the rest deltoid or triangular, 1–2 mm. long.. Long-styled flowers; corolla-tube funnel-shaped, 4–5 mm. long, 1–1.25 mm. wide below, dilated above to 1.75 mm.; lobes oblong-lanceolate, 2–3 mm. long, 1–1.25 mm. wide; stamens entirely included; style exserted (1–)2–3.5 mm.. Short-styled flowers: similar, tube up to 5.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at the throat; lobes 1.5–2 mm. long; anthers exserted 0.5–1.25 mm.. Capsule 2–4.5 mm. long, 2–3 mm. wide, hairy, ribbed; beak 1 mm. tall.
Long-styled flowers: corolla tube funnel-shaped, (3)4–5 mm. long, 1–1.25 mm. wide below, dilated above to 1.75 mm.; lobes 2–3 x 1–1.25 mm., oblong-lanceolate; stamens entirely included; style exserted (1)2–3.5 mm.
Leaf blades (3)9.5–18 x (1.2)3–6.5 cm., ovate to lanceolate, acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, pubescent; petiole 0–0.6(3) cm. long; stipules with c. (5)7–9 filiform setae 0.5–1.2 cm. long from a short base.
Inflorescences of terminal and axillary components, usually wide and corymbose, up to 12 cm. wide (smaller, 2–5.5 cm. wide, in some forms); peduncles c. 2–4.5 cm. long.
Short-styled flowers: similar, tube up to 5.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at the throat; lobes 1.5–2 mm. long; anthers exserted 0.5–1.25 mm.
Calyx tube 1.5 m. long; lobes unequal, 1 foliaceous, 2–6.5 x 0.75–2 mm., ovate, the rest deltoid or triangular, 1–2 mm. long.
Herb or subshrub 0.6–1.5(3) m. tall; stems erect or somewhat decumbent, woody below, hairy or glabrescent.
Flowers white, rarely tinged pale blue or pinkish, or in W. African race blue.
Capsule 2–4.5 x 2–3 mm., hairy, ribbed; beak 1–2 mm. tall.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.3 - 0.75
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 25 - 40
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Pentas pubiflora world distribution map, present in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, United Republic of, and Uganda


WFO ID wfo-0000267006
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Pentas pubiflora Pentas pubiflora var. longistyla Pentas pubiflora subsp. pubiflora