Flowers small, hermaphrodite, dimorphic or not, in few several-flowered very lax pedunculate terminal or apparently axillary (solitary at the nodes) inflorescences which appear to be verticillate, with 1–4 flowers from 1–4 widely spaced nodes.
Ovary 2-locular; placentas peltate with numerous ovules; style filiform, glabrous; stigma 2-lobed, the lobes filiform, included in short-styled forms, often exserted in equal-styled forms, exserted in long-styled forms.
Leaves paired, sessile, penninerved but lateral nerves obscure; stipules with the short sheath divided into (1 )2–5 narrow fimbriae.
Fruit capsular, campanulate or oblong, the beak only slightly raised, loculicidally dehiscent Seeds small, numerous, brown, angular.
Stamens exserted in short-styled forms, included in long-styled and equal-styled forms.
Glabrous subsucculent annual or short-lived perennial herbs with a slender rootstock.
Corolla tube narrowly funnel-shaped, throat hairy; lobes 5, ovate-triangular.
Calyx tube obconic or campanulate; lobes 5, equal, very narrowly triangular.