Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth

Arid-land peperomia (en)


Angiosperms > Piperales > Piperaceae > Peperomia


Erect succulent rhizomatous plant, 10–50(–60) cm. tall, sometimes epiphytic; stems brownish to pink or red, ± terete, rather fleshy towards the base.. Leaves in whorls of 3 (4–8 in a South American variety) or opposite, thin and soft, green above with venation paler, uniformly dark green beneath or in lower leaves sometimes reddish; blade broadly elliptic to obovate, 1–6.5(–8) cm. long, 0.7–3.5(–4.2) cm. wide, broadly acute or sometimes shortly acuminate at the apex, broadly cuneate to rounded at the base, palmately 3(–5)-nerved, the midnerve also pinnately divided above, the veins slightly impressed above and raised beneath, finely pubescent on both surfaces; petiole pink or green, 0.2–1.7 cm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, grooved, hairy.. Spikes green, 2–5(–8), terminal and in upper axils forming leafy panicles; individual spikes 0.8–10 cm. long, 1–2 mm. wide; peduncle pink, 0.4–2(–3.2) cm. long; flowers lax; floral bracts rounded or oblong-ovate, peltate, 0.4–0.8 mm. long, 0.3–0.5 mm. wide, glandular punctate.. Fruits broadly ellipsoid, 0.8–1(–1.2) mm. long, 0.5–0.6 mm. wide, obscurely to ± distinctly papillate; style-cap broad and low; short conical pseudopedicels sometimes present when fully ripe.
Herbs perennial, usually terrestrial, (10-)20-45(-50) cm high, all parts pubescent. Stolons present, slender, leafless. Stems often very fleshy, often reddish. Petiole (0.5-)1-1.5 cm; leaf blades elliptic-obovate, those at base of stem sometimes suborbicular, abaxially often reddish, 2-4(-6.5) × 1-2(-4) cm, ± membranous when dried, glandular, both surfaces pubescent, base tapered to cuneate, apex rounded to subacute; veins 3(-5). Spikes terminal and from axils of apical leaves, sometimes fascicled, (3.5-)5-8(-12) cm, flowers lax; peduncle 0.5-1.5(-2) cm; rachis 2.5-10 cm × (0.5-)1-2 mm; bracts ± orbicular, ca. 0.8 mm wide, gland dotted. Filaments short, thecae rounded-"D"-shaped. Ovary obovoid, apex obtuse to emarginate. Nutlet sometimes borne on shortly conical false pedicel when fully ripe, globose to broadly ellipsoid, 0.5-0.8(-1.2) mm, obscurely papillate. Fl. Apr-Dec.
Terrestrial, epiphytic or epilithic herb, erect or ascending from rooting base. Stem villous, often fuscous, green or reddish, 10-20(-60) cm long. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-7 (sometimes dimorphic), basely attached; petiole 0.2-1(-1.8) cm long, pubescent; blade slightly fleshy, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or obovate, often rhombic, 2-8 x 0.8-4 cm, margin ciliate, apex acute or somewhat acuminate, base acute, pubescent usually on both sides; palmately 3(-5)-veined. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, single or few together; peduncle 0.7-3.2 cm long, pubescent or crisp-pubescent; spike 2.5-15 cm long, green, densely to laxly flowered; floral bracts rounded, glandular. Fruits subbasely attached, globose to ovoid, more or less verruculose, brown, apex oblique with subapical stigma.
Terrestrial, epiphytic or epilithic herb, erect or ascending from rooting base. Stem villous, often fuscous, green or reddish, 10-20(-60) cm long. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-7 (sometimes dimorphic), basely attached; petiole 0.2-1(-1.8) cm long, pubescent; blade slightly fleshy, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or obovate, often rhombic, 2-8 x 0.8-4 cm, margin ciliate, apex acute or somewhat acuminate, base acute, pubescent usually on both sides; palmately 3(-5)-veined. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, single or few together; peduncle 0.7-3.2 cm long, pubescent or crisp-pubescent; spike 2.5-15 cm long, green, densely to laxly flowered; floral bracts rounded, glandular. Fruits subbasely attached, globose to ovoid, more or less verruculose, brown, apex oblique with subapical stigma.
Leaves opposite, the lowermost smaller and sometimes alternate, the upper ones at the base of inflorescence spikes 3–4-whorled, thinly succulent when fresh, drying rather membranous; petiole (4)7–15(23) mm long, pubescent or glabrescent; lamina (1.5)2.0–5.0(6.3) x (1.0)1.3–2.5(3.0) cm, broadly elliptic, ovate or obovate-oblong, rounded to obtuse or acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, pubescent to subglabrous on both surfaces, ciliate on the margin, sometimes obscurely pellucid-punctate more conspicuous on the lower surface, 3–5-palmatinerved.
Semi-erect herb, 0.05-0.20 m high; stems succulent, rooting at lower nodes. Leaves succulent, ± ovate, base cuneate, apex acute to rounded; petioles up to 11 mm long. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, slender spikes with widely spaced flowers, fertile portion up to 45 mm long in flower, 145 mm in fruit. Bracts ± 0.6 mm in diam. Flowering time Jan.-Apr. Fruit ± 1 mm long.
Inflorescences spicate; spikes terminal or axillary, greenish, 2–5 clustered, rarely solitary; rhachis (4.5)5.5–9.3(11) cm long, glabrous; peduncle (0.8)1.2–1.7(2.3) cm long, pubescent or subglabrous;flowers lax.
An erect succulent rhizomatous herb, up to 50 cm tall (including the inflorescence).Stems decumbent, rooting at the lower nodes, simple or few-branched, densely pubescent or ± glabrous.
Fruit 0.7–0.9 mm long, globose-ovoid, densely covered with viscous shortly cylindrical papillae. Pseudopedicels present or absent.
Succulent herb, up to 30 mm tall, epiphyte. Leaves opposite, pilose. Spikes green.
See Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) H.Huber
Ovary ovoid, glabrous; stigma terminal, oblique.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.15 - 0.43
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Forests; shady, wet rock crevices; at elevations from 100-1,900 metres in southern China. On trees or rocks in moist or wet, mountain forest, at elevations from 900-2,400 metres in Guatemala.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture 7-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by cuttings or seedlings.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) 15 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Peperomia blanda habit picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)
Peperomia blanda habit picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)


Peperomia blanda leaf picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)
Peperomia blanda leaf picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)


Peperomia blanda flower picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)


Peperomia blanda fruit picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)


Peperomia blanda world distribution map, present in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Jamaica, Cambodia, Madagascar, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000478029
INPN ID 448284
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Peperomia leptostachya f. cambodiana Troxirum blandum Troxirum villosum Peperomia decipiens Peperomia ellipticifolia Peperomia tortugana Peperomia salvaje Peperomia ciliata Micropiper blandum Peperomia hirsuta Peperomia quitensis Peperomia dissimilis Piper dissimile Piper ciliatum Peperomia glanduligera Peperomia langsdorffii Micropiper langsdorffii Piper blandum Peperomia constanzana Peperomia leptostachya var. cambodiana Peperomia blanda var. sericea Peperomia glanduligera var. villosissima Peperomia blanda var. cobana Peperomia blanda var. dissimilis Peperomia langsdorffii var. dissimilis Peperomia blanda var. blanda Peperomia blanda var. reticulata Peperomia blanda var. magnifolia Peperomia blanda var. parvifolia Peperomia langsdorffii var. resacana Peperomia polystachya var. godetiana Peperomia blanda

Lower taxons

Peperomia blanda var. humilis Peperomia blanda var. langsdorffii