Herb or subshrub to 2 m; stem erect, dichotomously branched, glabrous below, pubescent above, subangular, striate, nodes more densely pubescent than internodes. Leaves bluish-green (glaucous), narrowly lanceolate, gradually becoming linear in upper part of stem, to 10 x 3.2 cm, acuminate at apex, somewhat cuneate at base, appressed-pilose above and beneath. Inflorescence a cyme of peduncled, subglobose heads of 4-8 mm wide, heads elongating to become floriferous for 1 cm; rachis pubescent; bracts broadly ovate, acute, 1/3 as long as tepals. Tepals oblong, 2-3 x ca. 0.5 mm, acute, 3-veined, glabrous; filaments with expanded portion scarcely lobed; ovary ovoid, stigma capitate. Seed reddish-brown, shining.