Shrub to 1 m high; branchlets closely silvery-and ferruginous-lepidote. Leaves with petiole 3–6 mm long; lamina oblong-elliptic, (7–) 10–70 mm long, c. 15 mm wide, broadly cuneate at base, entire, somewhat recurved, rounded at apex, coriaceous; adaxial surface smooth, glabrous, with midrib prominently impressed; abaxial surface closely silvery-lepidote. Umbels sessile, 1–4 (–6)-flowered; pedicels thick, 2–4 mm long. Calyx hemispherical, 2.5 mm high, 3.5 mm wide, almost truncate, closely silvery-and ferruginous-lepidote. Petals elliptic or obovate, c. 9 mm long, 3 mm wide, bright yellow adaxially, silvery-lepidote abaxially in lower half, ferruginous-lepidote in upper half. Fruit not seen.