Rather large plants, percurrent; lacking intercalary cataphylls; internodes to 14(18) cm long, terete when mature, often sharply keeled to quadrangular when young; basal cataphylls 1 pair, ca. 0.5 cm above base. Petiole to 1 cm long; blade ovate to elliptical, to 15 x 7 cm, apex rounded, base contracted into indistinct petiole; venation more or less palmate. Monoecious, male flowers rare. Inflorescence to 5 cm long; peduncle 0.3-0.5 cm, simple (rarely double), followed by 3 or 4 fertile internodes with 9-13 flowers per bract in regular 2-seriate arrangement, partly immersed in axis; fused fertile bracts continuous with each other, showing scarcely a sinus. Fruit yellowish-orange, globose, ca. 0.3 x 0.3 cm, perianth segments closed.