Plants percurrent; internodes compressed/keeled above, terete below, 3-8 cm long; basal cataphylls 1 pair, 0.1-0.3 cm above base, very inconspicuous. Petiole ca. 0.5 cm long, rather slender; blade obovate or oblong, to 8 x 3 cm, apex rounded, base cuneate, tapering into indistinct petiole; venation often with 2 prominent, long lateral veins. Monoecious. Inflorescence with variable sex distribution: some fertile internodes or even spikes entirely male, others mixed, usually with 3 apical flowers of a flower area female; flowers 4-9 per fertile bract, 2-seriate; 1 extremely low (0.1 cm) pair of sterile bracts, elongating from 1 cm at anthesis to twice that length in fruit; fertile internodes 2 or 3; fruits 3 above each fertile bract, placed very high on internode. Fruit translucent white, 0.6-0.7 x 0.35 cm, perianth segments large, flaring.