Stems much reduced, leafy. Leaves up to 80 cm. long and 1-4 cm. broad, linear or linear-ligulate, canaliculate, acute, inconspicuously and unequally bilobed at the apex, inarticulate, distichous. Inflorescence terminal, several-flowered, glabrous; flowers medium-sized; bracts 4-9 cm. long and 1-2 cm. broad, acute, distichous, glabrous. Dorsal sepal 3-5.5 cm. long and 1-1.8 cm. broad, lanceolate or lanceolate-acuminate. Lateral sepals 2.5-5 cm. long and 1.7-2.5 cm. broad, ovate-lanceolate. Petals 5-10 cm. long and 0.4-0.8 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate, caudate, pubescent within, especially at the base. Lip 2.5-4 cm. long and about half as broad, calceiform, pubescent within, at least at the base, margins involute.