Herbs, twining. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules narrow. Inflorescence axillary, racemelike, sometimes 1-or 2-branched; flowers solitary or fascicled at nodes. Bracts membranous, enlarging after anthesis, leaflike, boat-shaped. Calyx membranous, 5-lobed, upper 2 lobes connate. Corolla white; petals clawed; standard nearly orbicular, with paired calluses above auricles; wings oblong, auriculate; keel incurved, shortly auriculate. Vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary nearly sessile, with annular disk around base; ovule 1; style slightly thickened above. Legume broadly elliptic, indehiscent, compressed, reticulate veined. Seed 1, reniform or orbicular.