Closely leafy, compact shrublet, up to 1 m high. Leaves needle-like, mostly 5-8 mm long, often rough, margins closely revolute. Inflorescence a small capitula, 4-7 mm wide, rounded above, solitary (seldom clustered). Flowers 1.5-2.0 mm long, densely canescent. Petals: lamina elliptic and incurved-cucullate. Flowering time all year. Fruit 4 mm long, obovoid, glabrous, purple-brown.
Leaves densely arranged; lamina 8 × 3 mm., erect-spreading, very narrowly ovate-elliptic, apex obtuse or subacute, margin closely revolute and covering the lower surface, base rounded or cordate, midrib and veins ± pilose beneath but soon glabrescent; petiole up to 1 mm. long.
Flowers in solitary or clustered capitula, surrounded by the foliaceous bracts of the outer flowers; bracts of the inner flowers 1 mm. long, linear and densely hirsute outside; bracteoles 2, similar to the bracts but smaller.
Closely leafy, compact shrublet, sometimes to 1 m. Leaves needle-like, mostly 5-8 mm long, often rough, margins closely revolute. Flowers in small, rounded, solitary or clustered capitula, whitish, dense white-felted.
Petals less than 0·5 mm. long, inserted on the upper half of the receptacle, cucullate, unguiculate.
Sepals less than 1 mm. long, oblong, bearded outside with long coarse white hairs.
Shrub up to 1 m. high, much branched and compact; branchlets grey-pubescent.
Flowers 1·5–2 mm. long, shortly pedicellate.
Anthers 1-thecous with minute filaments.
Receptacle c. 0·5 mm. long, cyathiform.
Fruit 4 mm. long, obovoid, glabrous.
Ovary obconic, glabrous.