A dwarf, partly procumbent, moderately branched shrub, with wiry branches up to 30 cm long. Branchlets slender, tomentose and villous. Leaves closely set 0.8-1.2 cm long: lamina erect-spreading or spreading, narrowly linear, acute, rounded at base, slightly incurved, with revolute margins covering most or almost all of the lower surface: upper surface wrinkled, pilose: petiole 1-1.5 mm long. Capitula solitary or clustered, about 1 cm wide, hemisphaeric. Bracts 5-7 mm long, foliaceous, exceeding the flowers. Bracteoles absent. Flowers 4.5-5 mm long, on a villous stipe: calyx-tube cyathiform, 1 mm deep, shortly tomentose on the upper half of the outer surface, glabrous on the lower: sepals 3 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, attentuate, tomentose on the outer surface; inner surface keeled throughout its length, glabrous. Petals inserted on the upper half of the tube, 0.5 mm long, linear, acute, tapered at base, furrowed and incurved in the upper half. Anthers cordate, 1-celled. Ovary turbinate, glabrous. Style very short, stout. Stigma pulvinate. Fruit about 4 mm long, rotundate, wrinkled, dark purple-brown, with a small calyx-area upon the summit.
Dwarf, partly procumbent, moderately branched shrub, up to 0.3 m high; branches wiry. Leaves 8-12 mm long, narrowly linear, base rounded, apex acute, margins revolute, upper surface pilose; petioles ± 1.5 mm long. Inflorescence a hemispheric capitula, ± 10 mm wide, solitary (seldom clustered). Flowers up to 5 mm long, white-tomentose; sepals 3 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, attenuate. Petals: lamina linear, acute. Flowering time May? Fruit ± 5 mm long, widely ellipsoid, dark purple-brown, small persistent calyx-area at apex.