Erect or scandent herb to 1.2 m tall, stems glabrate to villous with conspicuous 1-1.5 mm long hairs, glabrescent below, the pubescence associated with areas This content downloaded from on Tue, 14 May 2013 16:07:58 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions664 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN [VOL. 60 of stem near the slightly swollen nodes, occasionally rooting at the nodes (Lewis et al. 812A, MO). Leaves to 10 cm long, ovate, apically acuminate, basally rounded or obtuse, the margins subentire, the lamina with scattered short hairs; petioles as long as the leaves or shorter, pubescent on the upper surface. Pedicels slender, 7-21 mm long, longer than the flowering calyces and with long, erect and spreading hairs. Flowers with the calyx 5-10 mm long, the lobes acute-deltoid, their tips often recurved and upfolded from the midribs, glabrate to conspicuously pubescent with long, erect or spreading hairs; corolla with a contrasting pubescent eye, 9-13 mm long and reflexing open to 16 mm across; filaments slender but somewhat flattened, the anthers yellow or blue, 3-4 mm long. Fruits on slender to somewhat thickened pedicels 10-20 mm long, fruiting calyx 10-angled to terete, 20-30 mm long with scattered long hairs which are not particular to the ribs; berry 8-15 mm across.