Undershrub or shrub 0.2–1.8 m high. Young stems densely hairy. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, linear to narrowly elliptic-ovate, densely hairy, concolorous, pale silvery green; lamina 4–17 mm long, 1–5 mm wide. Inflorescence erect or pendulous, usually compact, many-flowered; involucral bracts 6–12, linear to narrowly elliptic-ovate, 7–14 mm long, 1.5–4 mm wide, often with longer hairs and sometimes more brownish than leaves. Flowers densely hairy outside, glabrous inside, white to deep yellow. Hypanthium 5.5–11 mm long. Sepals 1.5–4 mm long. Male flowers uniformly hairy or hairs somewhat longer in proximal half; stamens subsessile, shorter than sepals; anther locules introrse. Female or bisexual flowers: hypanthium persistent or tearing irregularly above fruit, with hairs 7–9 mm long in proximal portion and much shorter hairs above; ovary distally hairy.