A shrub, 2 m. tall, nodose; flowering internodes rather short and slender, evanescently villous; leaves rhombic-elliptic, apex sharp-acuminate, base inequi-lateral, cordulate, one side 2-4 mm. shorter, 4-6.5 cm. wide X 10-14 cm. long, pinnately nerved from the lower half, the nerves 4-5 on each side, with rather prominent cross-connecting nervules, harshly scabrous, sparsely villous above, the hair bases enlarged, whitish, loosely villous beneath, at least along the nerves, the hairs more or less erect, up to 1 mm. or more long, marginally ciliate, young leaves woolly-villous when unfolding, drying papery, translucent; petiole scarcely 5 plus 2-4 mm. long, at first villous, vaginate at the base; spikes red, as reported, 2 mm. thick X 6 cm. long; peduncle about 5 mm. long, glabrescent; bracts glabrous, triangular-subpeltate, dorsally somewhat projected and callose, slightly ciliate beneath; fruit not developed, stigmas sessile.