An essentially glabrous, soft-wooded shrub, 1-3 m. tall; flowering internodes moderately slender to stoutish; leaves lance-ovate or broadly lanceolate, apex gradually sharp-acute to acuminate, base ob-liquely inequilateral, one side 3-10 mm. shorter at the petiole, both sides obtuse at the petiole or the shorter side subacute, the longer sometimes sub-cordate, 6-11 cm. wide X 22-29 cm. long, pin-nately nerved below the upper third, the nerves 4-5 on each side, somewhat raised beneath, with rather strong cross-connecting nervules, the sub-marginal nervule more or less papillate or puberu-lent, drying chartaceous-subcoriaceous, op aque, somewhat glossy, narrowly revolute, glandular-dotted and sometimes microscopically black-mottled beneath; petiole 20-25 plus 3-10 mm. long, strongly vaginate-winged to the blade; spikes 3-4 mm. thick X 13 cm. long; peduncle slender, about 1-2 cm. long; bracts narrowly triangular-or lunate-subpeltate, smooth or papillate, the pedicel broad, concave, glabrous or ciliate; fruit truncate-subglobose, glabrous; stigmas sessile.