A conical, tree-like shrub, 1.5-2 m. tall, nodose; flowering internodes very short and slender, glandular-dotted, glabrous or at first with a few scattered hairs; leaves lanceolate, apex gradually acuminate, base subinequilateral, one side 1-2 mm. shorter, acute or obtusish, 2.5-3.5 cm. wide X 9-13 cm. long, pinnately nerved from below the middle, the nerves 3-4 on each side, loop-connected upward, with cross-connecting and anastomosing nervules, glabrous on both sides or the midrib sparsely hairy near the base, drying light green, glossy above, pale glandular-dotted beneath; petiole scarcely 5 plus 2 mm. long, loosely villous, vaginate at the base; spikes 3 mm. thick X 4-5 cm. long; peduncle 5 mm. long, puberulent above the middle; bracts triangular-subpeltate, copiously yellow-fringed, usually annular, alternating with the dark fruits; fruit rounded-obovoid (?), glabrous, black; stigmas small, sessile.