A glabrous, nodose shrub 2-3 m. tall; flowering internodes short and slender; leaves lanceolate or somewhat oblong-lanceolate, apex rather gradually subfalcately long-acuminate, base obliquely slightly inequilateral with one side 1-2 mm. shorter and acute, the longer side rounded and obtuse, 2-4.5 cm. wide X 9-15 cm. long, pinnately nerved to the upper one-fourth or throughout, the nerves 6-8 on each side, with intermediates, divergent at the midrib then strongly curved upward and submarginally loop-connected, drying papery, light green, somewhat glossy, trans-lucent; petiole scarcely 5 plus 1-2 mm. or occasionally 1 cm. long, vaginate toward the base; spikes 2-3 mm. thick X 5-6 cm. long when mature; peduncle about 5 mm. long; bracts triangular-or rounded-subpeltate, fringed; fruit small, obpyra-midal-trigonous, glabrous, stigmas small, sessile.