A shrub (?); flowering internodes comparatively long and stout, rather densely subretrorsely crisp-villous; leaves elliptic, apex abruptly short-acuminate, base inequilateral, one side 5-10 mm. shorter and acute, the longer side rounded to the petiole, 10-12 cm. wide X 20-23 cm. long, pinnately nerved to the upper fourth or nearly throughout, with intermediate cross-connecting nervules, the nerves 7-8 on each side, finely scabrous, sparsely to moderately crisp-pubescent on both sides, the nerves densely hirsute, sparingly glandular-dotted beneath, drying papery, trans-lucent, finely pellucid-dotted; petiole 20 plus 5-10 mm. long, vaginate to the middle or above, densely crisp-hairy; spikes 5 mm. thick X 7-8 cm. long; peduncle 1.5-2 cm. long, densely subretrorsely crisp-hairy; bracts triangular-subpeltate, densely ciliate; fruit oblong, glabrous, stigmas sessile.