A shrub (?), nodose, essentially glabrous; flowering internodes slender and short; leaves lance-elliptic, apex acuminate, base subequilateral, acute, 2.5-3 cm. wide X 8-10 cm. long, pinnately nerved from the lower half, the nerves 3 on each side, long-ascending, connected with the midrib with cross-connecting nervules, commonly with two pair near the base and the third pair arising at about the middle, yellowish and microscopically puberulent glabrescent beneath, drying rather thin and dull, translucent; petiole 5-12 mm. long, grooved above but vaginate only at the very base; spikes as yet young, 2 mm. X 3.5 cm. long; peduncle about 1.5 cm. long; bracts round-subpeltate, smooth above; ovary and fruit not developed.