A tree-like shrub, 1-2 m. tall; flowering internodes short and slender, finely ridged when dry, granular-roughened, young growth obscurely hirtellous; leaves subrhomboidal-elliptic, apex sharply long-acuminate, base oblique, one side 3 mm. shorter at the petiole and obtuse, the longer side rounded, cordulate, 9-10 cm. wide X 20-22 cm. long, pinnately nerved from the lower half, the nerves 5-6 on each side with slender cross-connecting-anastomosing nervules, glabrous or slightly scabrous above, the nerves beneath rather sparsely substrigose, glandular-dotted on both sides, drying thin, translucent; petiole about 5 plus 3 mm. long, vaginate at the base; spikes as yet young, red when fresh, 2 mm. thick X 6 cm. long, mucronate; bracts triangular-subpeltate, glabrous, with a dorsal papillate callus; ovary and fruit not present.