Tree, tall, unarmed. Leaves bipinnate, pinnae each with many pairs of leaflets; rhachis of leaf without glands; pinnae often alternate. Flowers small, hermaphrodite, in often aggregated, spiciform racemes. Calyx gamosepalous, 5-toothed, glabrous outside except for base. Petals 5, free, glabrous outside, separated from ovary-base by a short perigynous zone composed of stamens and disc consolidated with an apparent corolla-tube. Stamens 10, fertile; anthers each with a caducous apical gland. Ovary glabrous outside. Pods straight or somewhat curved, flattened, at maturity dehiscing along one of the sutures, the valves remaining attached along the other, neither splitting transversely nor into layers. Seeds flattened, ± oblong, brown, surrounded by a broad membranous wing; the body of the seed somewhat elongate in the direction of the length of the pod; cotyledons elongate transversely to the radicle; funicle attached at or near the middle of the seed.