High-yielding, high-percent-split, early maturing female Pistacia vera cultivar for harvest before Kerman. Origin: University of California, Davis, by D.E. Parfitt, C.E. Kallsen, and J. Maranto. 2-34 × ES#2l; crossed 1990; tested as B22-31; introd. 2005; USPP 17,158; 17 Oct. 2006. Flower: panicles with 50-200 female flowers borne laterally on 1-year-old wood, 2.5-4.0 cm long, expanding to 8 cm; flowering period 3 weeks, ~1 week earlier than Kerman. Nut: in-shell size and shape are similar to Kerman, ~1.3 g; mature 1-2 weeks prior to Kerman; yield greater than for Kerman, percent split edible in-shell nuts greater than Kerman. Tree: structure typical for P. vera; ~3 m tall and wide at 7 years, trunk diameter 10-15 cm; more and smaller scaffold branches than Kerman. Fruit: