Early maturing, low-alternate-bearing, large nut, female P. vera cultivar for harvest before Kerman. Origin: University of California, Davis, by D.E. Parfitt, C.E. Kallsen, and J. Maranto. Introd. 2005; USPP 17,701; 8 May 2007. Flower: panicles with female flowers borne laterally on 1-year-old wood, 2.5-4 cm long, expanding to 8 cm; 3-week flowering period ~1 week earlier than Kerman. Nut: in-shell nuts are larger than Kerman, longer and less flattened with a deeper split in the shell, approx. 1.4 g; ripens 1-2 weeks prior to Kerman; total yield similar to Kerman with less alternate bearing habit. Tree: structure typical for P. vera; ~3 m tall and 3 m wide at 7 years, trunk diameter 12-18 cm ~15% larger than Kerman. Fruit: