Small to medium tree, often flowering when small and shrub-like, the branch-lets puberulent or subglabrous becoming glabrous in age. Leaves small, bipinnate, each pinna bifioliolate; petiole mostly 1-2 cm. long, subglabrous or lightly puberu-lent, margined and sulcate above especially apically, callous basally, bearing a con-cave gland at insertion of the pinnae; axis of the pinna like the petiole, up to I cm. long, the gland frequently smaller than the petiolar gland; leaflets 2 per pinna, mostly inequilaterally oblong, 2-6 cm. long and 1-3 cm. wide, obliquely obtuse or rounded basally, blunt or rounded apically, glabrous except barbate basally below; stipules modified as scarcely noticeable to moderate spines or thorns on either side of the petiole. Inflorescence a terminal or subterminal panicle of pedunculate heads; peduncles about 1 cm. long or longer at anthesis, puberulent; head globose, about 15 mm. in diameter, several-flowered, compact; bracts scarcely 1 mm. long. Flowers small, whitish; calyx cupular, about 1 mm. long, canescent-tomentulose; corolla funnelform, 2-3 mm. long, tomentulose, the lobes about 1 mm. long; stamens many, about 8 mm. long, united below into a staminal tube for about half their length, glabrous; ovary pubescent, stipitate. Legume torulose or subtorulose, up to 12 cm. long and 8-15 mm. wide, coiled, glabrous or puberulent, dehiscent, the valves twisting after dehiscence.