Trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite to whorled, the leaflets several, pinnate, oppo-site, subcoriaceous, pinnately nerved, reticulate; stipules caducous. Racemes (or panicles) solitary to several in the axils of the new leaves or arising at exfoliate nodes; bracts and bracteoles minute; pedicels obvious. Flowers with the hypan-thium campanulate, the teeth 5, short; vexillum orbicular or ovate; wing petals oblong, about equal to the carinal petals in length, unequal at the base; carinal petals oblong, coherent distally; stamens monadelphous, the sheath open or closed above, or occasionally diadelphous, the anthers versatile; ovary stipitate, oblong. Fruits indehiscent, flat, membranous, vaguely reticulate, the seeds flat, reniform, large, the rostellum inflexed.