Trees small, unarmed. Leaves imparipinnate, the leaflets alternate or sub-opposite, oblong, the secondary veins numerous; stipules minute, caducous. Racemes lax, disposed in the upper axils; bracts and bracteoles small, deciduous. Flowers with the calyx turbinate, the 5 teeth bilabiately disposed, the upper teeth coherent almost to the apex; vexillum large, orbicular; wing and carinal petals oblong or obovate, the carinal petals shorter; stamens 10, with usually the vexillar and carinal filaments relatively free, the remaining disposed in 2 fascicles of 4, the anthers versatile; ovary with the stipe obviously elongate and surrounded by a glandular disk, the style glabrous, the stigma small, terminal. Fruits indehiscent, samaroid, glabrous, the seminiferous area distal, subligneous, the wing (expanded stipe) oblong, coriaceous, venose; seeds 1-2, oblong, reniform, the rostellum hard, conical.