Perennial semi-succulent herb up to 0.3 m tall and of equal spread; roots tuberous; stems decumbent, greyish tomentulose. Leaves petiolate; blade semi-succulent, broadly ovate, 20-30 x 18-30 mm, subglabrous, under-surface with colourless gland-dots, apex rounded, base truncate, margin crenate; petiole 15-30 mm long. Inflorescence simple or sparingly branched, 70-130 mm long; flowers in sessile, 1-3-flowered cymes forming 2-4-flowered verticils 10-25 mm apart. Calyx 5-6 mm long in the fruiting stage, broadly toothed, the uppermost slightly larger than the rest, minutely puberulous. Corolla mauve, 9-10 mm long; tube 7 mm long, somewhat sigmoid, narrow and ascending for 3 mm then decurved and expanding to about 2 mm deep at the throat; upper lip 2 mm long; lower lip concave, curved upwards, 2 mm long. Stamens free, 2 mm long.