Seeds flattened ellipsoid, ± winged at the apex, very finely reticulate; embryo slightly curved with an erect radicle, and small cotyledons oriented ventrally to face of seed.
Leaves restricted to lateral branches, paired but congested, petiolate; domatia present; stipules small, connate at the base, with silky white hairs inside, soon caducous.
Flowers 4-merous, borne in pedunculate corymbose cymes; bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous.
Shrubs or small trees; armed with spines setabove brachyblasts (reduced lateral branches).
Pollen presenter very slightly longer than broad, hollow at the base, 3-lobed at the apex.
Style narrowly cylindrical, slightly more than twice the length of the corolla tube.
Ovary 3(4)-locular; ovule 1 per loculus, attached near apex to the septum.
Pyrenes flattened ellipsoid, clearly crested around the apex.
Calyx tube ± ovate; limb short, repand or shortly toothed.
Anthers distinctly exserted, but not reflexed.
Disk not markedly prominent, glabrous.
Fruit a 1–3(4)-seeded, fleshy drupe.