Small to medium-sized epiphytic herbs with caespitose or repent primary stems. Inflorescence terminal or rarely pseudo-radical. Sepals subequal, erect or spread-ing; dorsal sepal free or connate with the lateral sepals for a short distance, apex sometimes clavellate; lateral sepals from nearly free to connate to their tips, often gibbous at the base. Petals usually shorter and narrower than the sepals, apices plain or clavellate. Lip simple or three-lobed, shorter or about as long as, or some-times longer than, the petals, often unguiculate. Column about as long or shorter than the lip, winged or wingless, produced into a foot, or sometimes footless at the base; column-foot, when present, from short to as long as the column. Anther terminal, operculate; pollinia 2 or 4, ceraceous.