Plants large, loosely caespitose, yellow-green to hyaline green or occasionally reddish green, with distinct metallic lustre; terricolous or saxicolous. Stems (5-)10-30 mm long, dark red, infrequently branched, tomentum sparse, red-brown. Leaves larger above, forming comal tuft, erect-spreading wet, little altered dry; broadly lanceolate to elliptical, (1.2-)1.8-3.5 mm long, abruptly narrower at stem apex, spreading; margins ± plane, minutely serrate to denticulate near apex. Costa ending below apex or occasionally ± percurrent on some leaves; in section elliptical, guide cells 2, incrassate, occasionally with 1-2 ventral stereids, ventral surface cells slightly smaller than guide cells, weakly thickened, dorsal stereid band small, of 3-4 cells, generally with hydroids below guide cells, dorsal surface cells similar to ventral surface cells but more strongly thickened. Upper laminal cells mostly 8-14: 1, fusiform to linear-rhomboidal, vermicular, 80-150 x 10-12 µm; basal cells long-rectangular. Dioicous, autoicous or paroicous, but sporophytes infrequent. Penchaetia terminal, leaves linear, to 3 mm long. Seta 10-15 mm long, ± flexuose, yellow-brown; capsule inclined to horizontal, elliptical, 2.0-2.5 mm long, yellow-brown, neck short, inconspicuous; exothecial cells rectangular to rhomboidal, 2-4 rows at mouth smaller and 1-2 transversely rectangular; stomata at base of urn and on neck, phaneropore; annulus differentiated; peristome double, exostome teeth narrowly triangular, to 0.5 mm long, finely papillose, endostome with basal membrane to 1/3 height of teeth, segments fragile, ± irregular and cleft, not as high as teeth, cilia 2-3; operculum conic-apiculate; spores rounded, 25-30 µm, finely papillose, light brown.