Erect to semi-erect shrub up to 1.5 m tall, canescent, coppicing after fire or damage. Branches few, greyish, finely fissured on older parts becoming glabrescent; densely shaggy on short shoots. Stipules 7-14 mm long, narrower at base, fused, shortly bifid, teeth triangular; villous outside, inside glabrous except for teeth. Leaflets (8)10-13(14) mm long, 3.5-4 mm wide, subsessile, terminal leaflet larger, narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic when flattened out, conduplicate when fresh, base cundate, apex acute; densely canescent. Inflorescences in axils of last few leaves of short shoots, 1-3-flowered. Flowers 12-13 mm long, deep golden yellow, ebracteolate; pedicel 2-4 mm long. Calyx 9-10 mm long, including the tube 5 mm long; vexillar teeth 2.0-2.2 mm long, base with rounded sinus, lateral and keel lobes mutually coherent to a tripartite lip, teeth narrower and slightly shorter than the vexillar teeth; glabrous inside, densely canescent outside. Standard 14 mm long, 13 mm wide, claw 4 mm long, blade very broadly ovate, apex emarginate, silky over entire back. Wing petals 14-15 mm long, blade 5 mm wide, claw 5 mm long, longer than the keel; claw twisted; broadly cultrate; sculpturing upper basal and upper central, intracostal, finely lunulate becoming diffuse; midline of billowing blade finely pubescent, auricle and upper basal edge infolded. Keel petals 10 mm long, blade 6.5-7 mm wide, claw 4.5-5 mm long; abruptly curved, fused from point of flexure to apex; slightly pocketed; densely pubescent. Androecium 12 mm long, monadelphous, slit on adaxial side; terminal anther linear-oblong. Pistil 10-10.5 mm long, curved, tapering into style, flattened, villous; style erect, tip incurved somewhat, height of curvature 6-7 mm; stigma small, capitate. Ovules 10. Fruits and seeds unknown.
Erect, somewhat wand-like shrublet to 1.5 m. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets elliptic-conduplicate, silvery silky; stipules connate and fused to petiole, 7-14 mm long. Flowers 1-4 at branch tips, bright yellow.