Small erect much-branched shrublet, densely silky, mostly tawny. Bark smooth, shiny, blotched yellow-brown. Stipules 7-8 mm long, broad based, deltoid, fused, sharply bifid, villous outside, finely pubescent on inner face of teeth, rest glabrous. Leaflets 8-9 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, subsessile, terminal leaflet larger, narrowly elliptic to narrowly lanceolate, base and apex acute, conduplicate, densely silky on both faces. Inflorescences 2-4-flowered. Flowers 10-H, mm long, colour unknown, probably yellow, ebracteolate; pedicel 1-2 mm long, tapering. Calyx 6-7 mm long, in eluding tube 4 mm long; vexillar teeth 2 mm long, equally broad at base, sinus rounded; lateral and keel lobes mutually coherent to a tripartite lip, narrower and slightly shorter than the vexillar teeth, glabrous inside, densely silky outside. Standard 10-11 mm long, 9-10 mm wide, claw 4 mm | long; blade very broadly ovate, apex rounded to obtuse, i densely silky over the entire back. Wing petals 12-13 mm long, blade 9 mm wide, claw 4 mm long; more or less equal in size to the keel, slightly auriculate, cultrate; sculpturing upper basal and upper central, intercostal, thickly lunulate becoming diffuse in patches. Keel petals fused from apex for one-third their length along the lower margins; blade 6-6.5 mm long, 3.5-4 mm wide, slightly auriculate, shallowly pocketed near junction with the claw. Androecium 9-10 mm long, monadelphous, slit on adaxial side. Pistil 9-10 mm long, linear, compressed, subsessile; villous, merging into upcurving style; stigma terminal, small. Fruits and seed unknown.
Resprouting shrub to 50 cm. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets recurved, conduplicate, silvery silky. Flowers 1-3 at branch tips, yellow; capsules silky-hairy.