Lip rather waxy in texture, 3-lobed, 5.5–6 mm long, 7 mm wide across the lobes; mid-lobe 2 × 3.3 mm, not reflexed; side lobes erect, rounded.
Flowers primrose-scented, pale pink or pale lilac, the lip with a yellow line at the base.
Pseudobulbs 10–15 × 7–11 mm, globose or ovoid, dark green or purplish, usually 2-leaved.
Dwarf epiphytic or lithophytic herb, forming dense mats, flowering when leafless.
Leaves 6–15 cm × 2–4 mm, linear, grass-like, deciduous in the dry season.
Inflorescence (floral axis) 2–5 cm tall, up to c. 6-flowered.
Petals 4.7–5 × 1.25–1.5 mm, oblanceolate, oblique.
Column c. 3 mm long, relatively slender.