Polytrichum juniperinum Hedw.

Juniper polytrichum moss (en), Polytric genévrier (fr)


Bryophytes > Polytrichales > Polytrichaceae > Polytrichum


Plants small to medium to fairly robust, gray-green to bluish green to reddish brown with age, in loose tufts, often forming extensive patches. Stems (1-)4-5(-10) cm, simple, brownish tomentose only near the base. Leaves 3-6(-8) mm, densely imbricate, ± erect and almost straight when dry, erect-spreading to widely spreading when moist; sheath oblong-rectangular, yellowish, tapering to the blade; blade slender, bluish green and nitid, rather flat, with sharply infolded margins; marginal lamina 5-7 cells wide, 1-stratose, entire or minutely crenulate, membranous and transparent, enclosing the lamellae and overlapping towards the apex; costa usually somewhat toothed distally, excurrent, forming a subulate, toothed awn, the awn reddish brown throughout or slightly decolorate at tip; lamellae bluntly crenate in profile, 6-8 cells high, the marginal cells in cross-section ovate to pyriform, thick-walled, ending in a distinct knob, smooth or rarely faintly papillose, the marginal cells of lateral lamellae (enclosed by the overlapping margins) ovoid and less strongly thickened; sheath cells 70-100 × 6-10 µm, narrowly rectangular (4-6:1), narrower toward the margin; cells of the broad marginal lamina transversely elongate, very thick-walled. Sexual condition dioicous; perigonial rosettes yellowish to reddish green; perichaetial leaves longer than the foliage leaves, long-sheathing, the blade almost obsolete, ending in a slender yellowish or hyaline awn. Seta (1-)3-5 cm, stout, yellowish to reddish brown. Capsule 2.5-5 mm, rectangular, longer than wide (1.5-2:1), reddish brown to dark brown, glaucous when fresh, suberect, becoming horizontal when mature, sharply 4-angled and prismatic; peristome 200-240 µm, divided to 0.6-0.8, the teeth 64, keeled at back. Calyptra whitish to light brown, covering the capsule. Spores 6-10(-12) µm.
Stems to 15.5 cm tall. Leaves tightly appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, 4.2-8.5 mm long; lamina 0.4-0.6 mm wide; abaxial cells with distinctly incrassate outer walls; margin entire, tightly incurved, partly covering adaxial lamellae, unistratose, 5-11 cells wide, with short broad cells; sheathing base gradually widened; costa forming a brown to hyaline arista with apical abaxial teeth; lamellae 32-52, on adaxial surface of lamina, 5-8 cells high, distinctly crenate by upper margin, with apical cells of central lamellae pyriform in cross-section and with the incrassate outer wall forming a distinct knob. Urn 3.7-6.6 mm long, 2.0-3.6 mm wide. Spores 9-14 µm diam.
Plants medium-sized to large, in tufts. Stems up to 30 mm long. Leaves scale-like below, imbricate and erect when dry, wide-spreading to squarrose when wet, 6-8 mm long; apex subulate; base oblong, sheathing, shiny; margins entire, broadly involute, covering the upper leaf surface; costa excurrent as rough, reddish awn; lamellae 6-8 cells high, terminal cell pyriform, incrassate. Upper laminal cells at margins transversely elongate. Capsule 4-angled, rectangular. Calyptra hairy.
Life form perennial
Growth form moss
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.16
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Dry acidic soils on heaths, rocks and walls.
Light 4-9
Soil humidity 1-4
Soil texture 5-7
Soil acidity 1-6
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Polytrichum juniperinum unspecified picture


Polytrichum juniperinum world distribution map, present in Brazil, United States of America, and South Africa


LSID 35141563
WFO ID wfo-0001170127
INPN ID 3867
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Polytrichum apiculatum Polytrichum aristiflorum Polytrichum cypellomitrium Polytrichum equisetiforme Polytrichum ghiesbreghtii Polytrichum juniperifolium Polytrichum juniperiforme Polytrichum nodicoma Polytrichum patens Polytrichum sullivanii Polytrichum prionotrichum Polytrichum prionotum Polytrichum rhynchomitrium Polytrichum ryparomitrium Polytrichum secundulum Polytrichum setifolium Polytrichum subpiliferum Polytrichum substrictum Polytrichum thysanomitrium Pogonatum rubiginosum Polytrichum alpestre Polytrichum altisetum Polytrichum angusticaule Polytrichum beccarii Polytrichum behringianum Polytrichum chimborassi Polytrichum conforme Polytrichum juniperinum Polytrichum longipilum Polytrichum lycopodioides Polytrichum rubiginosum Polytrichum tasmaniae Polytrichum tristani Polytrichum tumescens Polytrichum tysdalei Polytrichum altisetum var. humilisetum Polytrichum juniperinum var. alpestre Polytrichum juniperinum var. australe Polytrichum juniperinum var. integrum Polytrichum juniperinum var. waghornei Polytrichum juniperinum var. piliferoides Polytrichum juniperinum var. juniperinum

Lower taxons

Polytrichum juniperinum var. mamillatum Polytrichum juniperinum var. paulense Polytrichum juniperinum var. tumescens