Potamogetonaceae Bercht. & J.Presl

Pondweed family (en), Potamogétonacées (fr)


Angiosperms > Alismatales


Aquatic herbs, perennial or rarely annual, glabrous, rooted in the substrate. Vegetative shoot system comprising horizontal shoots, mostly stoloniferous, non chlorophyllous (here called rhizomes) and vertical shoots, erect or sometimes ± floating, often densely branched, chlorophyllous (here called stems); tubers or turions sometimes present on the horizontal and/or the erect shoots. Leaves alternate or subopposite, rarely ternate, sessile or petiolate, simple, served by 3 traces, parallel-veined or with a single midvein; stipules present throughout or only on young shoots ( Groenlandia ), often forming a tubular sheath around the stem and young inflorescence, either free or adnate to the base of the blade; intravaginal scales 2– several, situated in leaf axils, mostly linear to subulate, rarely ovate, entire and acute; bladeentire, denticulate or serrate. Inflorescences pedunculate, with 2 opposite flowers ( >i>Groenlandia ) or more than 2 flowers in a dense or interrupted spike ( >i>Potamogeton ); peduncle rigid and mostly slightly elevated above the water level, but sometimes flexuous, the flowers resting then on the water surface, rarely submerged, but often withdrawing the fruits below the surface; bracts abortive or absent. Flowers& #2695; (hermaphrodite), small, regular, hypogynous, tetramerous. Perianth: a singlewhorl of 4 valvate shortly clawed tepals. Stamens 4, opposite the tepals and basally adnate to the claw; anthers sessile, bilocular, extrorse, opening by longitudinal slits. Gynoecium superior, of (1– 3) 4 (5– 8) carpels, sessile, free or shortly connate at the base, alternating with the stamens; styles usually short; stigma unicellular-papillate and strongly secretory or smooth and dry or weakly secretory; ovule solitary in the carpel and attached to its ventral margin, orthotropous at first, but becoming campylotropous at maturity, pendant and filling the locule, bitegmic, crassinucellate. Fruit apocarpous consisting of distinct sessile fruitlets, ± drupaceous, but opening with a dorsal lid, with a rather fleshy parenchymatous mesocarp and a sclerified endocarp, the latter multi-layered ( >i>Potamogeton )or 1-layered ( >i>Groenlandia ). Seed without endosperm; embryo unciform or spiral (i.e. coiled more than 1 complete turn), with a large hypocotyl and a single obliquely terminal cotyledon that encloses the plumule
Aquatic perennial or annual herbs, often rhizomatous. Stems erect, floating or creeping, often producing turions (propagules in the form of buds). Leaves submerged and/or floating with a distinct midrib, alternate, those subtending inflorescences often subopposite, simple, stem clasping, sessile or petiolate; margins entire or crisped; apex obtuse to acute. Stipules adnate to blade or free. Inflorescence erect, usually emergent, a pedunculate spike, capitulate to cylindric, with 2–many flowers. Peduncle often bent when fruiting, submerging the fruit. Flowers actinomophic, tetramerous, bisexual. Perianth segments 4, free. Stamens usually 4, epipetalous; filaments adnate to perianth segments; anthers bilocular, extrose, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior; carpels 2–4, free. Fruit usually interpreted as drupelet, rarely as nutlet or berry. Embryo coiled inside fruit.
Herbs, perennial or rarely annual, rhizomatous or not rhizomatous, caulescent; turions absent or present. Leaves alternate or nearly opposite, submersed or both submersed and floating, sessile or petiolate; sheath not persisting longer than blade, not leaving circular scar when shed, ligulate, not auriculate, or rarely auriculate; intravaginal squamules scales, more than 2. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, spikes, capitate spikes, or panicles of spikes, not subtended by spathe, pedunculate; peduncle not elongating, not spiraling following fertilization. Flowers bisexual; subtending bracts absent; tepals 4 in 1 series; stamens [2 or] 4, epitepalous, in 1 series; anthers distinct, dehiscing vertically; pollen spheric; pistils 1 or 4, mostly not stipitate, rarely short-stipitate; ovules marginal, orthotropous. Fruits drupaceous. Seeds 1; embryo curved.
Submerged, dioecious or monoecious, rhizomatous,aquatic, salt-tolerant, annuals or perennials, with slender capillary stems.Rhizomes with scale leaves and erect leafy shoots at nodes. Leaves opposite,pseudowhorled or alternate, linear, simple, entire; sheathing base present or absent,ligulate, with ligule sometimes longer than sheath. Flowers unisexual,axillary, solitary or clustered. Perianth cup-like, reduced to a few smallscales, or absent. Stamens 1–3, fused if more than 1 into a single anther mass,4-, 8-or 12-sporangiate; pollen globose. Carpels 1–9, free; style simple,usually persistent; stigma conspicuous, funnel-shaped to spathulate; ovule 1,pendulous. Fruit an achene.
Herbs, perennial or annual, in fresh to brackish water, totally submerged or with floating leaves. Rhizomes present or absent. Stems elongated or shortened, terete to compressed, rarely strongly compressed. Leaves alternate or basal, occasionally opposite or subopposite; stipules free from leaves or adnate to leaf base and sheathing stems. Inflorescence a capitate spike, terminal or axillary. Plants monoecious; flowers small, bisexual. Perianth bractlike, free, present or absent. Stamens (1-)4; anthers sessile, (1 or)2-celled, extrorse, longitudinally dehiscent. Carpels (1-)4, free; ovule solitary. Fruit drupaceous. Embryo curved; endosperm absent.
Leaves alternate or opposite, those immersed thin, those above water often leathery, sheathing at the base, sheath free or partially adnate to the petiole
Flowers hermaphrodite, small, arranged in pedunculate axillary spikes; peduncle surrounded by a sheath at the base; bracts absent
Carpels 4, free, 1-locular; stigmas sessile or on short styles; ovule solitary, on the adaxial angle
Stamens 4, inserted in the claws of the segments; anthers extrorse, 2-locular, sessile
Perianth of 4 free rounded shortly clawed valvate segments
Fruits free, 1-seeded, indehiscent
Aquatic herbs of fresh, water
Seeds without endosperm
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 7-11


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Potamogetonaceae unspecified picture


Potamogetonaceae world distribution map, present in Australia and China


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30005043-2
WFO ID wfo-7000000495
COL ID 627N6
BDTFX ID 101063
INPN ID 187457
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Zannichelliaceae Potamogetonaceae

Lower taxons

Althenia Potamogeton Stuckenia Zannichellia Groenlandia