Herbs perennial, with slender or inconspicuous stolons. Roots much branched, tufted. Flowering stems slender, erect or ascending, 8–25 cm tall, together with petioles spreading pilose or densely spreading villous. Radical leaves 4–30 × 1–4 cm including petiole; stipules brown, membranous, abaxially sparsely villous; leaf blade 3-foliolate; leaflets green on both surfaces, oblong, elliptic, ovate, broadly ovate, or rhombic-ovate, both surfaces appressed to spreading pilose, abaxially more densely so on veins, base cuneate or broadly so, margin acutely many serrate or obtusely crenate, apex obtuse or acute; cauline leaves 1 or 2; stipules green, herbaceous, sparsely villous, apex acutely incised serrate, entire, or very rarely 2-fid; leaflets resembling those of radical leaves but very shortly petiolulate and margin less serrate. Inflorescence terminal, laxly corymbose-cymose, many flowered. Flowers 0.8–1 cm in diam.; pedicel slender, 1–1.5 cm, pilose. Sepals triangular-ovate, apex acuminate; epicalyx segments lanceolate, nearly equaling sepals, abaxially appressed pilose, apex acuminate. Petals pale yellow, oblong-obovate, apex emarginate or rounded. Style subterminal, thin at base, thickened distally. Mature achenes ovoid, 0.5–1 mm in diam., markedly rugose. Fl. and fr. Mar.–Jun.