Plants 300–50 tall. Free part of leaf to 200 x 3–6mm. Spike 80–15 long, 12–30-flowered. Ovary sessile, pale green. Flowers moderately crowded, strongly scented, 14–18 x 10–14mm, greenish to brownish with pink to mauve markings, labellum white to pink, callus green to yellowish-green. Dorsal sepal 8–10.5 x 3–4.5mm, decurved. Lateral sepals free, 9–12 x 2–2.6mm, erect and recurved, widely divergent. Petals 7–10 x 1.6–2mm, widely spreading. Labellum sessile, broadly ovate-lanceolate, 7–9 x 5–6mm, sharply recurved near middle, margins slightly wavy/crinkled. Callus elliptic, broad, shiny, extending past labellum bend.
Highly localised and known from only a single locality on the margins of a lake, growing among scattered shrubs and tussocks in woodland dominated by river red gum in shallow, poorly drained grey clay loam over heavy clay. Ground surface is crabholey (gilgai formation) and depressions fill readily with water following heavy rains and flood completely in wet years. The orchid grows in and around the depressions and flowering plants can be immersed in water up to 3 deep.